Masterclass by Megha Bajaj!

by Megha Bajaj

Insights from the First Masterclasss by Megha Bajaj

To get updates on upcoming workshops, email us at

What will you learn?

  • 4 writing tools to take your writing to the next level
  • 3 challenges every writer faces and their solutions
  • How to ignite your dormant passion for writing
  • How to get started on your own book
  • How words can help you heal

What's more?

  • Interact with Megha Bajaj herself during the concluding part of the session
  • Share your story
  • Meet and listen to people from different walks of life(you might discover someone sharing your wavelength)
  • Be a part of the global WoW community to reach the next level

Who should attend?

  • Anyone above the age of 11 years
  • Aspiring authors who are planning their own books
  • Anyone who wants to ace the art of written communication
  • Educators, housewives, orators, professionals (simply anyone)
  • Students who wish to improve/hone their writing skills

About Megha Bajaj

  • National best-selling authorĀ of several books, the latest being ‘The Breakthrough’
  • Founder of Wonders of Words (WoW)
  • TedX influencer & Youngest Speaker at The World Confluence of Spirituality
  • Author-mentor for over a decade running her own WoW Online Writing & Healing Workshop
  • Have mentored several first-time authorsĀ 
  • Inspiring Speaker at several wellness events & MNCs
  • Passionate Educator and Founder of WoW 3L’s Program for studentsĀ 
  • Ardent Seeker & Mediators for more than 10 years

What aspiring Authors say about Megha's mentoring!

For Queries, reach out to:
Email/phone no. - / + 91 8125102111