Become empty, to be filled…

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Before writing this piece, I said to the Universe, “Whatever the readers most need, please let it flow through me…” and out of nowhere the words seem to be flowing. Our days are filled with responsibilities. Our phones with notifications. Our mind with incessant thoughts. And we wonder, where is this thing called peace? Bliss? Purpose? Divinity…

I have come to realize, experientially, that it is only in a state of emptiness can the Universe ever fill you with its bounties. It is only in a state of non-doing or meditation, do the best of ideas arise. It is only when we pause, that we find the energy to run further.

Somehow, all of us have become very busy people. We keep doing, often without even knowing what it is we are doing. We are bombarded by information almost every minute through Whatsapp and social media and so many of us keep taking it all in, and at some point wonder, why we are becoming almost like a zombie.

Did you know, to move the thumb from left to right – almost a trillion calculations are done by the human system. Ever wondered why so many of us are tired all the time? Unconsciously we are going on “doing” something. While you feel browsing through reels on Instagram and Shorts on YouTube is relaxing you – its actually make your system work over time and tiring you further.

Do you know, what would actually be relaxing? Closing your eyes for some time and just Be-ing. And yet, how many of us do it?

For the past few months, I realized I wasn’t at my efficient best. Yes, I have delivered a baby just six months ago and am recouping – but still, I didn’t feel my best. Upon observing a day of mine I realized there were too many “useless” distractions I had developed – especially of checking my phone way more than required.

Recently we went on a family holiday to Goa and I consciously decided to keep my phone away and only use it to make the cursory calls to family and team. When I finally got back to Whatsapp and social media world, I realized in all those four days nothing that drastic had happened in my absence (!) the world had still maintained its equilibrium and all was well. Made me realize, how much of useless browsing I was doing and I have put a cap to it.

The result is immediate, impressive and expected. My eyes feel rested. My mind

feels so much calmer. I am listening to the whispers of Life louder. My efficiency is higher. And I am just feeling so much more happier.

Wherever I am, I am completely there – without my mobile vying for my attention.

The role of technology is to ease you – but honestly, for most of us it has become a disease. Look around you. In the lift, even while going up or down a few floors, what are people doing? As soon as a movie ends (and actually through the movie) what are people doing? As soon as a flight lands, what do people do?

And now, a more intimate question… what do you do all day with your phone? What is the first thing and the last thing you do each day? When you are with someone, are you really with them?

I have been asking myself some tough questions and have found simple solutions… I know I need to become empty to be filled. I know I need to close my eyes for a few minutes in between meetings. I know I need to keep my phone on silent when I am with my family (actually try it and see, no earth shattering events take place!).

My emptiness is my greatest strength. And I intend to claim it several times in a day. You?!

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